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Arts & Commerce College
Khergam, Navsari

Programme Outcomes

Programme Outcomes

We communicate the programme outcomes of the various competitions like Saptdhara, Udisha, Sandhan and other cultural activities directly to the students. The proforma/ criteria of evaluation, rules and regulations are communicated to the participants and also to the audience before the competition begins.  And the certificate/ medal/ trophy or prize is given away to the winners on the occasion of the college annual function. However, we have started uploading the outcomes of Internal Exams and other exam related information on our college website. Besides, notices and circulars regarding Finishing School and Dairy Farmer Course run in the institution are also uploaded on the website. Opinions, suggestions, and feedback are taken from students, alumni, and parents. The outcomes of the Internal Exams are displayed on the notice board. For the outcomes of the University Exams the students are advised to access the university website. Mark sheets of the university exam are handed over to the students immediately after the mark sheets are received from the University in person or to the member of the student’s family or his/her close relative. The names of these students are recorded and their signatures are also taken. Attainment of the program outcomes, program specific outcomes and course outcomes are evaluated by the institution. The college has started evaluating all kinds of outcomes, including the administrative work through various stakeholders by taking their feedback. There is mechanism devised to evaluate feedback received from the students and parents. The feedback collected from students, alumni and parents are analyzed manually by the college and communicated by the principal to the staff. However, outcomes of the various competitions are prepared and delivered to the students the same day immediately after the completion of the competition. The participants who do not perform well are encouraged and suggested orally to bring about improvement in their performance. The principal assesses the confidential reports of the regular teachers (appointed through GPSC) and submits the reports to the office of the Commissioner of Higher Education for perusal.
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